Reaching Out, Rocking Out, Heading Out

Ready or not summer is here! The Blitz we held in April was incredible! Brother Mario did an incredible job sharing God’s truth and love. At least 3 churches from different denominations and cultures coming together to lift up Jesus, over 100 people in attendance with 30+ first time guests and most importantly the Holy Spirit was moving and touching people with the love and power of God all night! People were stepping up to the front for prayer constantly during the last hour of the Blitz!

We also were privileged to once again be able to have Youth Sunday at our church the first Sunday in May. This was a great day of ministry for and by the youth of our church. The theme this year was “Jesus, THE hope of our generation!” Human videos, extra loud worship music , original artwork hanging on the stage, a guest appearance by James Bond, cardboard testimonies, 2 incredible student preachers, a closing time of communion/prayer and so much more! We are so blessed to have a church and pastor that encourages this every year. Praise God!

Youth Camp is right around the corner! We are going to “World Camp” ( @ the Timberlake Retreat Center in Forsyth, GA June 14-18. It is going to be an amazing week! God is always so faithful to show up in power in the services. Don’t miss out! I have seen God change so many teens at camp. I trust, ask and expect Him to do the same this year!

Final thought… rest, relax and enjoy the summer but don’t be a bum. Soak up Jesus! Follow hard after Him. Get into His Word. Help some people out who need Him. Live out your faith.

Looking forward to a great summer,
Pastor Anthony

4.8.10 BLITZ is back!

Yep, it’s that time again.  We’re bringing it back…

In football BLITZ is when we switch from playing defense and, in a surprise move, switch our game to offense to take out the opposition and to take back the game. 

Do you have friends?  Are you watching them go through a rough time with things happening in their life?  Do they, or even you, feel like you’re in a game you can’t win? 

If so, then you know what time it is…time to BLITZ!

Sunday April 18th is being set aside just for your friends and for you.  Everybody needs a break and to have some fun, but even more, everybody needs some encouragement and some T-R-U-T-H.

You were created by a real God who loves you.  He made you for a good purpose.  There’s more waiting for you than you could ever imagine!

It’s back.  Don’t miss it.  Come get what’s yours in Christ! 

Featuring musical guest Brother Mario.  Check him out here.

4.8.10 poll-o-da week

So we decided to take a poll every week about random stuff.  Why?  Well, um, just ’cause.

And there you have it.

4.8.10 check out the picture page for MIX2010 photos!

click on the tab at the top of the page or here

Keepin’ It Real!

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